Title: Spoonazoid
Genre : Progressive House, Electro House
Quality : 320kbps / 44.1KHz
Roy Ströbel aka Strobe and Danny Freakazoid teamed up in their studio to produce a smashing re-work of this huge electro stomper by Dave Spoon. Dave Spoon produced Remixes for acts like Paul van Dyk, The Pet Shop Boys, Beyoncee or even Madonna. he is well known for his typical fresh sound and gets support from the biggest dj`s not only in in the uk.
Zürich based Danny Freakazoid is known from tracks like soia or black or blonde which are always a guarantee for cool and energetic club sound. together with Strobe aka Roy Stroebel they deliver a fantastic electro house 2011 rework of dave spoon´s "spoonazoid" and it was definitely worth to spend the time in the studio again.
the release includes 3 fantastic remixes by David Jones, one of the best remixers at the moment and of course a remix by labelowner Tomcraft himself, which is a real Big Banger. Mario Ochoa added a Tech House Remix to complete the package. This one is a real club bomb and gets absolutely awsome reactions on the dancefloors worldwide!
Strobe, Danny Freakazoid, Dave Spoon - Spoonazoid (Tomcraft Remix)Strobe, Danny Freakazoid, Dave Spoon - Spoonazoid (Mario Ochoa Remix)
Strobe, Danny Freakazoid, Dave Spoon - Spoonazoid (Danny Freakazoid & Strobe Rework)